Weex Dunx and the Quota: Plucking Local Democracy in Senegal
Co-directed by Pape Faye and Jesse Ribot
Based on Research and Script by Jesse Ribot
Film: “Weex Dunx and the Quota: Plucking Local Democracy in Senegal,” (Twenty-four minute video—Wolof with English and French subtitles). Synopsis: Mr. Weex Dunx (Mr. Scapegoat), the elected President of the Rural Council of Nambaradougou (Place of many problems), is ecstatic to learn that new decentralization laws have given his council the right to manage and use forests. The council now has the right to decide how much woodcutting will take place in their jurisdiction and who gets to do the cutting and selling. But, when Weex Dunx tries to exercise his new powers he is confronted by incredulous foresters, administrators and merchants who are in shock that he thinks he can make decisions about the forests. Exasperated because these powerful notables don’t like him if he resists and his people don’t like him if he gives in, Weex Dunx is torn between doing what is right for his community and surrendering to pressures from powerful people whom he does not want to disappoint.
[The research for this film is presented in Ribot 2009 article in Development and Change on the Published Articles page.]
View ‘Weex Dunx and the Quota’
DVD copies of this film with subtitles in English and French can be purchased online
or by writing to Jesse Ribot at
Spanish subtitles are also available but are not a polished translation.
It is available in NTSC or PAL formats and can be played on most computers.
For further information please contact Jesse Ribot at