Past Showings

List of Film Showings [as of 2008]

“Weex Dunx and the Quota: Plucking Local Democracy in Senegal” (completed 2007)

This film is also being used in courses at University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal, Université Gaston Berget, St. Louise, Senegal, University of Copenhagen, Wageningen University, University if California, Berkeley, University of Oslo, among many others. ENDA Tiers Monde, an international NGO has been using the film in its “Lead Africa” program (2008-10).

The rural council presidents in the Tambaconda Region of Senegal got hold of copies of this film, began showing it to each other in order to discuss problems they face. One councilor has shown the film to organizations from his village in London and in Paris.

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