Published Articles

The articles below are all related to the films Semmiñ Ñaari Boor and Weex Dunx and the Quota. The case material for the film Semmiñ Ñaari Boor can be found in Potteete and Ribot 2011 and Larson and Ribot 2007. The case material for Weex Dunx and the Quota is presented in Ribot 2009. More material from the specific case studies is available in the working papers page.

Faye, Papa. 2009. « De la distribution des profits de la gestion des ressources forestières au Sénégal : enjeux pour la démocratie décentralisée et le développement local. » Pp 139-149 dans Déthié Soumaré Ndiaye et Assize Toure, Gouvernance Locale et Gestion Décentralisée des Ressources Naturelles. Dakar : Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE). URL:

Poteete, Amy and J.C. Ribot. 2011. ‘Repertoires of Domination: Decentralization as Process in Botswana and Senegal’ World Development Vol. 39, no. 3. [This article is based on much of the same case material as the film Semmiñ Ñaari Boor.]

Ribot, J.C. 2009. ‘Access over Authority: Recentralizing Benefits in Senegal’s Forestry Decentralization’ Development and Change. Vol. 40, No. 1. [This article is based on the same case material as the film Weex Dunx and the Quota.]

Larson, Anne, and J.C. Ribot. 2007. ‘The Poverty of Forestry Policy: Double Standards on and Uneven Playing Field’. Journal of Sustainability Science. Vol. 2, No. 2. [This article is based on much of the same case material as the film Semmiñ Ñaari Boor.]

Ribot, J.C. 2006. ‘Choose Democracy: Environmentalists’ Socio-political Responsibility’, Global Environmental Change. Vol. 16.

Ribot, J.C. 2001. ‘Science, Use Rights and Exclusion: A History of Forestry in Francophone West Africa’, Drylands Programme Issue Paper No. 104, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). (Also translated into French.) English:

Ribot, J.C. 1999. ‘A History of Fear: Imagining Deforestation in the West African Sahel’, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol. 8.

Ribot, J.C. 1998. ‘Theorizing Access: Forest Profits along Senegal's Charcoal Commodity Chain’, Development and Change, Vol. 29, No. 2.

Ribot, J.C. 1996. ‘Participation Without Representation: Chiefs, Councils and Forestry Law in the West African Sahel’, Cultural Survival Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 1, Fall 1996, pp. 40-4. (Reproduced as a signature piece in Encyclopedia Perseus Africana. New York: Perseus.)

Ribot, J.C. 1995. ‘From Exclusion to Participation: Turning Senegal's Forestry Policy Around?’ World Development, Vol. 23, No. 9.

Ribot, J.C. 1993. ‘Le Marché du Charbon: obstacle à la foresterie au Sénégal?’, Environnement Africain, No. 33-36, Vol. IX/1-4, special issue: ‘des forêts et des hommes: vers un gestion populaire du patrimoine commun’.

Ribot, J.C. 1993. ‘Forestry Policy and Charcoal Production in Senegal’, Energy Policy, Vol. 21, No. 5.

Please write to if you need copies of any of these articles.

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